

by Fadhil Al Azzawi

by Aïcha Arnaout

by Fadhil Al Azzawi

by Fadhil Al Azzawi

by Dimitri T Analis

by Hassan Najmi

by Hassan Najmi

by Hassan Najmi

by Sawsan Darwaza

You may find the cd here:

"and we shall construct"

Kamilya Jubran: Voice, Oud; Werner Hasler: Trumpet, Electronics

More than 6 years have passed since K&W produced their 1st album « Wameedd » , more than hundred shows they've performed together during this period, in different parts of the world.
Such continuous « live » and alive process has greatly shaped and strengthened their musical interplay. Simultaneously, it allowed them to learn more on each others’ roots, and enabled them to find additional common playgrounds despite the differences of their origins.
This , as well as their shared common vision of the world , has augmented their desire to keep searching for new challenging spaces that would provoke , at the same time invite them to take more risks and more freedom in their expressions.

« Wanabni » process started as an attempt to reply to a question K&W asked themselves : how would we perfrom today the song « Al Shaatte Al Akhar » (one of their tunes that their audience mostly liked) after having played it so many times .
This route necessitated an up grade of their tools as well as their ways of using them ;
and their continuous work slowly grew to be their new repertoire that they based on classical Arabic music, modern classical music of the 20th century, jazz and electronic music.

Parallel to the musical evolution, and following their wish to have a natural coherent growth of their project, K&W have revisited the same poets they collaborated with in 2003 for Wameedd , namely Fadhil Al Azzawi, Aïcha Arnaout, Sawsan Darwaza, and have chosen texts that were written by those poets since then/after 2003.
Kamilya has revised the same book ‘Hommes de l'autre rive' of Dimitri Analis- the only poet she has not met in person, and of it, she selected an other part that links up with/recalls « Al Shaattee Al Akhar ». They as well combined some texts of the poet Hassan Najmi – with whom Kamilya has collaborated, for her last solo project Makan.The storyline of Wanabni consequently,recounts some recent reflections of those contemporary poets.

The album Wanabni was released in March 2010, produced by Zig Zag Territoires and distributed by Harmonia Mundi.